‒ M.S. degree : Master of Information Management
Taipei, Taiwan
‒ B.S. degree : Bachelor of Digital Design
Changhua, Taiwan
‒ Wistron (Wistron listed in the OTC market)
‒ Avalue (Avalue listed in the OTC market)
Software Engineer
‒ 大學: 學生議會議員
‒ 大學: 數位攝影社 秘書長
‒ 大學: 校慶攝影比賽暨攝影展/企劃行政與預算執行
‒ 大學: 設計工作室 管理委員
‒ 大學: 畢業籌備委員會 文宣與媒體贊助
‒ 兵役: 國防部後備司令部 功績卓著獎牌與獎狀
Certificate ➟ Military Service
‒ Avalue Technology Inc., 福委會
"Service-Oriented Analysis and Design for Constructing the Online Sales Process Integration," Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 58-68, Aug. 2012.
"Service-Oriented Analysis and Design for the Online Sales Process Integration," Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, Japan, D627-D637, July 3-5, 2012.
Oracle Certified Professional ® - Java OCPJP (SCJP)
Certificate ➟ OCPJP
Project Management Professional ® - PMP®
Certificate ➟ PMP
Microsoft® Certified Solutions Developer - (MCSD)
Microsoft® Certified Solutions Associate - (MCSA)
AWS Certified Developer - Associate(Amazon® Web Service)
TOEIC - 790 - Blue Certificate(Tested)
➝ Score Report
National Taiwan University Certificate of Course Completion JAVA, Visual C# NET, HTML5, CSS/Sass, jQuery, Android - use Android Studio, Git (Version Control)
Certificate ➟ JAVA
Certificate ➟ Android
Certificate ➟ C#
Certificate ➟ HTML5
Adobe Certified Associate ® Web Communication
Certificate ➟ Adobe Web Communication
SkillTree Certificate of Course Completion ASP.NET MVC 5 - use C#
Certificate ➟ ASP.NET MVC 5
(Google 與 美國互動廣告局Interactive Advertising Bureau合作,頒發的數位行銷認證,獲得此認證的人,代表能夠運用Google Analytics等數位行銷工具,並進行資料分析,可與行銷人員溝通)
Certificate ➟ Google數位行銷證書