九份 (Chiufen) 與 九份對面的島嶼

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  • 要到九份, 坐台鐵火車到瑞芳站下車!轉搭公車或是計程車喔~ 開車就有停車位的問題了…
    訂火車票或是查火車時刻 請看這篇喔:  台鐵網路訂票 – 科技工具幫你搶訂火車票

    The town of Chiufen, located on a mountainside overlooking the Pacific Ocean,
    is one of Taiwan’s cultural treasures.

    A visit there offers a chance to escape from the city and to imagine what life was like many years ago.

    The old brick buildings offer a charming, relaxed view.

    The narrow, stone alleyways and steep stairways suggest an old- fashioned way of life.

    The whole place has a colorful and romatic air about it.

    九份 Chiufen - 悲情城市IMG_1248IMG_123510309339_10204522066595587_5090372756193267783_nJinguashi 金瓜石Jinguashi 金瓜石Jinguashi 金瓜石

    我們去九份喝茶看夜景時,總會看到海面上有一個小島在正前方,那就是可愛的基隆嶼,基隆嶼,又稱基隆島,位於台灣本島東北方外海、太平洋的東海中的島嶼,行政區屬基隆市中正區,直線距離和平島北端約3.3公里,距離基隆港口約4公里 (數據資料來自維基百科)。

    關於基隆嶼島上的狀況,請參閱這篇喔:九份對面的島 – 基隆嶼登島探險

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