





If you want to be the godchild of Guanyin Buddha at Mong Ka Longshan Temple, you should first worship all the gods in the temple in order, then report your personal information to Guanyin Buddha, including your name, date of birth, and address, and pray to Guanyin Buddha to adopt you as a godchild. After that, you should cast lots to ask for her permission.
After you get one winning lot, you should go to the temple's incense counter to register your personal information (name, date of birth, and address) and receive a "godchild incense bag". If you want to make a donation to the temple, you can make a voluntary donation.
After you complete the registration, you should hold the "godchild incense bag" to report to Guanyin Buddha again and pass it through the Guanyin stove. After completing the ceremony, please carry the incense bag with you for good health. You can also visit the temple every year and pass the incense bag through the stove again.

觀世音菩薩聖誕, 農曆 2月19日 (國曆2024年03月28日)
觀世音菩薩成道, 農曆 6月19日 (國曆2024年07月24日)
觀世音菩薩出家紀念日 農曆 9月19日 (國曆2024年10月21日)

