台北房價很高, 必須省吃儉用才能靠銀行買下房子, 也許我們應該效法 國外的建物再利用, 把 水塔改建成 一個休閒柩意的私人九層別墅, Netherlands Zecc Architecten 建築事務所克服現實困難, 把1931年的水塔加以改建, 面對空間及建材的限制, 並充分採光:

面對這樣的創意, 我想我們也可以把許多 地方鄉市鎮公所 蓋好不用的廢棄停車場 , 改建成現代小屋才是…

In Taipei,we must live frugally in order to rely on banks to buy a house, perhaps we should follow the example re-use of the water tower converted into a villa, Netherlands Zecc Architecten architecture overcome the difficulties, the towers built in 1931, faced with limited space and building materials, turned into a modern house.

Watertower of Living / Zecc Architecten

Watertower of Living / ©Zecc Architecten

Watertower of Living / Zecc Architecten

Watertower of Living / ©Zecc Architecten

Watertower of Living / Zecc Architecten

Watertower of Living / ©Zecc Architecten

